Saturday, November 27, 2010

Classic Decorations

Left: 1962 "Popular Mechanics" magazine cover. Right: Hanging same Santa display in 2010.
 This entry is inspired not by my grandparents, but by my husband's. In the mid 1960s, his Grandpa was inspired enough by patterns published in the "Popular Mechanics" magazine to make his own outdoor Christmas display. With one 4x8 sheet of plywood, a jigsaw, and some exterior paint, he and hundreds of other folks like him created wooden displays like this one and hung them up year after year.

Believe it or not, this same Santa display decorated my husband's parent's house when he was growing up. And this weekend, it now decorates our house.

Yes, it is almost 50 years old. And yes, the paint is thin and flaking in spots. But you know what? It just fits. Unlike the blow-up snowmen and LED-tipped lights, this display will still be clever and appropriate in another 50 years. That's the beauty of sticking with the classics: they are always in style.

I feel the same way about my Christmas music, foods, crafts, and indoor decorations: the older classics just mean more to me this time of year. I guess because Christmas is the perfect season for nostalgia.

Here's hoping your holiday's a classic.

1 comment:

  1. I want a big, fat "Like" button for this post, because I would be clicking it. ;-)
